© waynesides.com

A grouping of 15 images is provided below for your viewing that may be appropriate for the specific project needs, and would readily be available to use if something was to be chosen from these.

Images of Scenes/Subjects for Consideration:

Mainly the images are scenes and landscapes that are from in or around the outside edges of town. I also included an image that subtly hints to the local music scene that is found in the area if that is something you want to reference or touch on as well.


Above: (Images 1 & 2)


Above: (Image 3)


Above: (Images 4 & 5)


Above: (Image 6)


Above: (Images 7 & 8)


Above: (Image 9)


Above: (Image 10)


Above: (Image 11)


Above: (Image 12)


Above: (Image 13)


Above: (Image 14)


Above: (Image 15)

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